Explore Your Caribbean Surname Origins

Discovering one's African-Caribbean heritage is a journey that often begins with a name. This service specializes in researching family names that connect individuals to the rich African Caribbean history of the 17th and 18th centuries.

African history historian pointing to historical document

For just £25, Paul Crooks (Genealogy Specialist) offers an insightful exploration into the origins of Caribbean surnames, unveiling connections to ancestral roots that span centuries.

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Paul Crooks (Genealogy Specialist)

Detailed, Client-Focused Process

  1. Surname Search Enquiry Form: Clients send their surname and the Caribbean country of interest (use the form).
  2. Assessment: A swift response confirms if the request aligns with the service's expertise.
  3. Secure Payment: Upon approval, instructions for a secure PayPal transaction are provided.
  4. In-depth Research and Delivery: Within five days of receiving payment, clients receive:
    • The earliest known references to their surname, dating back to the 17th or 18th century.
    • The associated geographic location (e.g., parish, country) of the surname.
    • References to credible sources to further enrich the narrative of their ancestry.
    • A digital image of the relevant record, when available.

Surname Search Enquiry Form.

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Explore Your Caribbean Surname Origins 

with Paul Crooks (Genealogy Specialist)

Discovering one's African-Caribbean heritage is a journey that often begins with a name.

This service specializes in researching family names that connect individuals to the rich African Caribbean history of the 17th and 18th centuries.

For just £25, it offers an insightful exploration into the origins of Caribbean surnames, unveiling connections to ancestral roots that span centuries.

Detailed, Client-Focused Process

Surname Search Enquiry Form: Clients send their surname and the Caribbean country of interest (use the form).

Assessment: A swift response confirms if the request aligns with the service's expertise.

Secure Payment: Upon approval, instructions for a secure PayPal transaction are provided.

In-depth Research and Delivery: Within five days of receiving payment, clients receive:

  • The earliest known references to their surname, dating back to the 17th or 18th century.
  • The associated geographic location (e.g., parish, country) of the surname.
  • References to credible sources to further enrich the narrative of their ancestry.
  • A digital image of the relevant record, when available.

Surname Search Enquiry Form

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