Caribbean Surname Search Service

with Paul Crooks

Let me help you find clues to the origins of your family name within the Caribbean

Caribbean Surname Search Service

with Paul Crooks

Let me help you find clues to the origins of your family name within the Caribbean

Here's how it works

Contact me now - see if I can help

1> Use the contact form to tell me the surname you want to know more about.

I'll email you letting you know whether I'll be able to find the earliest reference to your family name prior to 1899

2>   Register for 3 Ancestry Talks with Paul Crooks events


Order copies of both Ancestors (Paperback) and A Tree Without Roots: The Guide to Tracing British, African, and Asian Caribbean Ancestry (Paperback)

3> I'll email your surname insights

I'll send you

    1. the name of the property that derived your surname (if any) and or the earliest reference to the surname in the Caribbean ie prior to 1899.
    2. designation (if mentioned)
    3. geographic location by association
    4. reference to the source of information to enable you to take up your own line of inquiry

Country ex British colony

Here's how it works

1> Use the contact form to tell me the surname you want to know more about.

I'll email you letting you know whether I'll be able to find the earliest reference to your family name prior to 1899

2>   Register for 3 Ancestry Talks with Paul Crooks events


Order copies of both Ancestors (Paperback) and A Tree Without Roots: The Guide to Tracing British, African, and Asian Caribbean Ancestry (Paperback)

3> I'll email your surname insights

I'll send you

    1. the name of the property that derived your surname (if any) and or the earliest reference to the surname in the Caribbean ie prior to 1899.
    2. designation (if mentioned)
    3. geographic location by association
    4. reference to the source of information to enable you to take up your own line of inquiry

Contact me now - see if I can help

Country ex British colony